Friday, January 20, 2012

"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you...a ferrari?"

In this video, I share a little bit about this verse, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of you heart." ~ Psalm 37:4.  (Try to ignore the dorky facial expressions and weird hand motions I do while explaining it.  Yikes.) Do you ever see yourself on video and go "What on earth am I doing?  Do I always make faces like that? Why doesn't anybody tell me these things?"

Oh well, that just goes to show practice makes perfect when it comes to being in front of people.  But then again, maybe no one is thinking about me as much as me.  Ha!  That sounds like a guilty confession.  Come on, tell me I'm not the only one!  You've heard this before, when there's a big group photo taken, whose the first person you look for in the picture?  You! Yourself!  If you say, "Not me! I look for my 10 friends before I ever look at myself!" Then you a liar and that is far worse. :)  Anyway I am sure that if we are all being totally honest with ourselves, we would admit that we are all a little bit self-consumed?  Maybe more than we should be...and living in this iPhone, Facebook, Twitter generation doesn't help!  "Hey here's 5,000 photos of my face! Here's another 100 different angles of my lips, eyes and nose...I know you all want to see what I am doing, what I am eating, and what I am thinking at ever single moment of the day!" It really is a bit ridiculous when you think about where technology has led us.  We are all probably guilty of it in some way.  And if you're not an internet junkie, don't feel left out, I'm sure your pride has manifest itself in some other way - it's called the human condition.  It started in Eden :)

Unfortunately, I think this "population-me" spills over into every area of our lives if we let it, including the way we interpret scripture.  Much like this verse, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will you the desires of you heart (incl. a ferrari, a big house on the beach, and the perfect tall dark and handsome man!" Right? Wrong!  See the desire of our hearts may be a little "off."  What we think we want - and what God KNOWS we need - may be two totally different things!  It has taken me a very long time to realize this, and I am still learning it daily.  Let me put it this way, I think the real heart of the matter is - the matter of the heart.  If our heart is wrapped up in worldly things and short-sighted dreams and ambitions, and then we pray and say, "God give these things to me! Go ahead and bless my plan!" Then...we are not really delighting ourselves in Him.

Ok, here's the other beautiful thing, if you're like me, you might be thinking, "But what if I delight myself in God and He gives me some boring, over-spiritual life that I don't want!  This all might be fine for you super duper godly person! Buuut I'm just not into that - I wanna do what I wanna do, I wanna have fun."  Umm do you realize that God is the One who created fun?  He also created you with your special ability to experience fun and enjoyment in the first place. He doesn't want you to be miserable - He wants you to have the best - HIS best!

The song in this video speaks of surrendering.  To surrender to God's will is probably one of the scariest, but most exciting steps we can take to having this abundant life in Christ.  I have decided to title my blog, Out Of The Heart because in Luke 6:45 we are told, "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good...For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks!"  So let's fill up our hearts with good things so that the things that flow from our mouths are also good!  Because then, when our hearts are truly fixed on Jesus and on delighting in Him alone, we can start receiving all those blessings - all the deepest desires of our hearts, just the way He planned it for us!  

Love you all ~ Crystal